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Sacha Urco

Sacha Urco
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Sacha Urco

Sacha Urco means Sacred Mountain in Quechua. We preserve 130 hectares of cloud forest at the slopes of the Mindo and Cinto rivers within the Chocó Andino Biosphere Reserve, declared by UNESCO in 2018. This vast territory of 125 thousand hectares preserves different types of montane forests giving refuge to more than 450 species of birds, hundreds of tree and animal species including umbrella species such as the Andean Bear, thus ensuring key ecosystem services for rural and urban populations that work together for their conservation

We provide an ecologically responsible service with natural and cozy cabins to rest with the sounds of nature. It is the ideal place to find tranquility and nature in all its splendor.

Sacha Urco offers healthy food prepared with local products. Children friendly tours, playground, bird watching, night tours, massages, trails, and organic farm.

Welcome travelers, students and researchers who love biodiversity to experience and study wildlife while enjoying the natural harmony of the landscapes of Sacha Urco!



Take a deep breath in the heart of the cloud forest, far from town and close to wildlife. At Sacha Urco we take care of your rest and offer you fresh air, spring water, sounds of nature, privacy and proximity to the Mindo river. You protect the wildlife while resting!